Aspiring Towards Bigger Goals

“The impossible exists only until we find a way to make it possible” Mike Horn

What can you accomplish in one year? That’s the title of a recent post by photographer Chase Jarvis that got me thinking about setting (and pursuing) bigger goals. And wondering if we’re settling for too little because we get hung up on being “realistic” and only going after what we think is possible.

When I look back at the past five years, I see a lot of good learning experiences but frustratingly little for lasting results (professionally at least). Navigating a major economic downturn, corporate restructuring(s), and the world in general changing and churning at an amazing pace, I feel like I’ve gotten a bit lost in the mix. Survival has taken precedence over pursuing big dreams and that shift has taken a toll. It’s time to shift back.

Jarvis’ post talks about South African born / Swiss based explorer Mike Horn and some of the awesome things he’s accomplished over the same five years. He custom built the Pangaea, a 115 foot yacht they refer to as a “4 x 4 of the seas”, and subsequently launched the four year Pangaea Expedition. The expedition has already covered more than 140,000 miles in its quest for “young adults [to] experience and explore the natural world, learn about its challenges, find possible solutions, and above all, act swiftly to help change things for the better.”

Horn’s passion and commitment have fueled an impressive list on his resumé. And he’s got me wondering why I’m not chasing down bigger things. My initial read is that it’s a combination of a lack of focus, not thinking big enough, and being too passive in accepting the challenges around me as fixed boundaries instead of obstacles to get around.

It’s time to think big, refocus, and get after it. There’s no good reason not to and that clock is ticking.

So what are you going after in the next twelve months? Go big.